Monday 3 June 2013

The Time Experience Project!

The brief for this project was to develop and produce a piece based on the theme of 'Time'. It had to be suitable for promoting the theme park 'The Time Experience'.

I chose to research clocks which was my main theme for designing and creating a ticket booth, a logo and a ticket for the theme park.
To create my ticket  for the theme park I used Adobe Photoshop. Firstly I drew out my logo so I could then scan it into the computer to put it onto my ticket. The ticket I created is very basic and includes all the information which is needed on it.

To produce my ticket booth I used the progam Google Sketch-up in which I also created a basic entrance for the theme park where the ticket booths would be located.
Altogether there are six ticket booths which are all a different colour. I made them bright and eyecatching so that they set a welcoming and friendly atmosphere to the theme park.

My Mural!

This is my mural I created for the Walker Street Children's Centre in Hull.

For one of our projects at College we had to design a mural that would be produced for the Children's Centre. We had to do a lot of research into what the client required and the restrictions of the mural.

The centre then had to pick between the designs from the students at College and my design was the chosen one. My design was based around The Noahs Ark Story. It took approximately 2 weeks to complete the mural and was unveiled to the children and families at the centres 2012 Annual Summer Event.