Monday 3 June 2013

The Time Experience Project!

The brief for this project was to develop and produce a piece based on the theme of 'Time'. It had to be suitable for promoting the theme park 'The Time Experience'.

I chose to research clocks which was my main theme for designing and creating a ticket booth, a logo and a ticket for the theme park.
To create my ticket  for the theme park I used Adobe Photoshop. Firstly I drew out my logo so I could then scan it into the computer to put it onto my ticket. The ticket I created is very basic and includes all the information which is needed on it.

To produce my ticket booth I used the progam Google Sketch-up in which I also created a basic entrance for the theme park where the ticket booths would be located.
Altogether there are six ticket booths which are all a different colour. I made them bright and eyecatching so that they set a welcoming and friendly atmosphere to the theme park.

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